Biocidal Products Directive
Guidance and other relevant documents on the implementation of Directive 98/8/EC
Technical Notes for Guidance (TNsG) and other technical guidance documents were developed for the implementation of the Biocidal Products Directive 98/8/EC (BPD) to enable industry and competent authorities to fulfil their requirements under the BPD. The JRC- Biocides website –where these documents have been located was duplicated below with some amendments. Some guidance, mainly related to the scope of the BPD, is available on the website of the European Commission, Directorate-General for Environment. In addition to these guidance documents, the Manual of Technical Agreements containing agreements of the Biocides Technical Meetings, the EU Evaluation Manual for the Authorisation of Biocidal Products and Manual of Decisions(maintained by the Commission) containing questions and answers of general interest in particular on borderline cases between the BPD and other Directives provide further clarifications on certain aspects in relation to the BPD's implementation.
Furthermore, documents and IT tools like the Emission Scenario Documents (ESDs) and the European Union System for the Evaluation of Substances (EUSES) are fundamental for biocides risk assessment. The section below lists all the documents specifically developed for biocides under the BPD, whereas a link to EUSES is provided.
Applications for active substances for Annex I inclusion under the BPD (Review Programme for existing active substances and Article 11 of the BPD for new active substances) or applications for product authorisation under the BPD may still be under evaluation when the BPR comes into application on 1 September 2013. Therefore, the relevant guidance together with other relevant documents mentioned above prepared under the BPD may still need to be consulted during the evaluation of these applications.
Until all guidance in support of the BPR is made available on the ECHA website the relevant BPD Guidance and related documents are recommended to be followed. In such cases, the BPD Guidance and related documents listed below should be utilised notwithstanding the references to the BPD and without prejudice to the scientific content.
Addendums are available for
A revised appendix to chapter 7 on efficacy of rodenticides and a revised Chapter 6.2 on resistance, both from 2009, are available and more recently on the efficacy of insecticides, acaricides and products to control other arthropods (PT 18) and repellents and attractants (PT19) (only concerning arthropods) are available.
The first version of this TNsG is from 2000. This 2000 version was revised two times. The most recent version is of 2008 (which includes an Excel file containing default exposure data for all PTs). An addendum on how to obtain BEAT including a password and acorrigendum for PT 21 are available.
An earlier version is available: 2002 ( Technical Notes for Guidance - Human Exposure to Biocidal Products - Guidance on Exposure Estimation - In four parts: Foreword and summary - Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3), as well as User Guidance - Version 1 - Human Exposure to Biocidal Producst (TNsG June 2002).
A Guidance on the use of the human exposure guidance for the Review Programme and the peer-review of new active substances (2009) is also available.
The Human Exposure Expert Group (HEEG) was established in 2007 under the BPD and stopped its activities in December 2013. The group considered issues brought up in discussions on active substances during the evaluation process, as well as issues on methodology and needs for updating guidance documents.
A workshop on Human Exposure to Biocides took place in Oslo on 24-26 February 2009, including three sessions: health and safety during the use of biocidal products, occupational exposure assessment for biocidal products using BEAT, consumer exposure assessment for biocidal products using ConsExpo. See also the Training material.
- TNsG on Human Exposure document [PDF]
- Excel file containing default exposure data for all PTs [XLS]
- Addendum on how to obtain BEAT including a password [DOC]
- corrigendum for PT 21 [PDF]
- Technical Notes for Guidance - Human Exposure to Biocidal Products - Guidance on Exposure Estimation - In four parts: Foreword and summary - Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 [PDF]
- User Guidance - Version 1 - Human Exposure to Biocidal Producst (TNsG June 2002) [PDF]
- Guidance on the use of the human exposure guidance for the Review Programme and the peer-review of new active substances (2009) [PDF]
- Opinions of the Human Exposure Expert Group (HEEG)
- Training material
* This document replaces the TNsG on Human Exposure to Biocidal Products from June 2002 including the User Guidance Version 1. This is the same document that has earlier been available on the JRC website with the date "January 2008". This was changed in September 2009 because the date of endorsement was in fact in June 2007. This document was endorsed at the 25th meeting of representatives of Members States Competent Authorities for the implementation of Directive 98/8/EC concerning the placing of biocidal products on the market (19-21 June 2007).
The TNsG is available in 3 parts as:
The following additional information is available:
- Application codes for PT 08 [PDF],PT 14 [PDF], PT 18, 19 e 20 [PDF];
- Standardised tables [DOC] to present the risk characterisation for human health.
- Emission Scenario Documents [updated]
ESD Overview
- Overview of Emission Scenarios and their Status (Annex 3) [PDF] [EN]
- Short overview of availability of Environmental Emission Scenario Documents[PDF] [EN]
Additional information
- Guidance on the relevance of the manufacturing process when carrying out the risk assessment under the BPD;
- Guidance on the product dossier for Annex I inclusion of an active substance[PDF][EN]
- Guidance on how to treat degradation and sorption data for groundwater assessment [PDF][EN]
- Guidance on rapidly degrading substances [PDF][EN]
- Guidance on the use of a plant protection products monograph and existing substances risk assessment reports under the BPD [PDF][EN]
- Guidance on risk characterisation of local effects in the absence of systemic effects [PDF][EN]
- Guidance on the relevance of REACH guidance for dossier evaluation under the BPD [PDF][EN]
- Guidance on leaching rate estimation for PT 07, 09 and 10 [PDF][EN]
- Guidance on the role of efficacy in the evaluation of active substances for Annex I inclusion [PDF][EN]